Restoration Plan.
Plans to restore the New Hope Rosenwald School are based on the Standards of Restoration and Guidelines for Restoring Historic Buildings. As part of the restoration and preservation plan the remodel will include space to facilitate bathrooms, a conference room and a kitchen for visitor’s accommodations.
To maximize usage and assure long term viability, the renovated building will be designated and marketed as a multi-purpose structure. However, usage will be limited to activities that respect the historical identity of the property. Uses of the building will include but are not limited to the following: living museum, community center, and cultural center.
The New Hope Rosenwald School will also serve as a living museum in which artifacts and memorabilia will be displayed that is specific to the history of the school and the Rosenwald project. This will include such items as photographs, documents, original desks and oral dissertations by alumni of the school detailing their Rosenwald School experience.